This picture shows poor Germans.
Where I come from, they always say 'Check family background.'
So-called Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer also knows that socioeconomic class comes biologically to you. Even if you get fake degrees, it makes no difference to your socioeconomic class. No matter what you do, it is your parents' and grandparents' SES status that you must live with. It is destiny. You learn culture and ethics from good parents and grandparents, most often from the upper class society. In Christoph Scherrer's case, however, you can't even ask whether or not the professor would ever learn the meanings of culture and ethics. His grandfather was a cruel Nazi priest. Can you become a Nazi priest like Osama bin Laden, butchering Jews or anybody else for that matter in the name of God? If you're abnormal, a psycho, you would do it.
Clearly, with Christoph Scherrer and his gang of terrorists and robbers at University of Kassel, Germany, it's a case of poor genes. Only psychopaths would behave like this miserable third-class professor and his grandfather. He'd always be low SES, regardless of how many degrees he purchases to fool people. He'd never learn culture or ethics. Osama bin Laden was a rich man, but who knows his great grandparents? Christoph Scherrer is Taliban. Can you expect them to become normal people even if they get fake degrees to teach rural schools? No, they'd always behave like street robbers and criminals, these terrorists from poor homes.
I would never behave like abnormal Christoph Scherrer. Would you? If you do, I'd know your family background. Your grandfather must have been Osama bin Laden as in Christoph Scherrer's case.
Talk about culture, civilized homes with well-educated and civilized parents and grandparents.