Germans cannot be trusted. Now at University of Kassel, Germany, one of the students attacked by so-called Professor Christoph Scherrer was asked to pay him around 500,000 Euros for complaining that he'd tried to rape her. Beggary is in this professor's blood, his parents also ask for charity. That's their business, like beggary is a business in various developing countries.
It's methodoligical, their attacks on non-Arab Muslim and Jew women:
1) Send scary red-eyed drug addicts and other labor class students to insult such women.
2) Regularly sexually harass them.
3) Terrorize them.
4) Ask for money.
Basically non-Arab Muslim and Jew women have no rights in Germany if they're students. Even if Christoph Scherrer kills you, he might get away with it calling it suicide. He's a sure criminal.
We're also questioning this loony's contacts with the Taliban from Pakistan. He's working with a nameless institution by the name of University of Agriculture in Faisalabad. This is in rural Punjab where the Taliban in addition to Osama bin Laden have/had been staying. This is the labor class of Pakistan. As the Nazis cannot be trusted, who is to say whether or not Christoph Scherrer is planning terrorist attacks in Europe through these Taliban, that is, bin Laden's ex-neighbors? This is the area which is regularly bombed in Pakistan.
Besides, everybody at University of Kassel, Germany, is labor class and purely low-bred. Only the rich are attacked.